M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2008
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Advisor, Elizabeth Evans
Thesis: The Afterlife of Victor Kamara, novel.
M.S., Journalism, 1983
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, New York, NY
B.A. cum laude, English and History, 1979
Connecticut College, New London, CT
Major fields: Nonfiction, Fiction, Journalism (Environment, Africa)
In Katrina’s Wake: Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.
Naked: Writers Uncover the Way We Live on Earth. (Editor). New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003.
Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First and the Environmental Movement. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2001. (Second paperback re-issue).
Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First and the Environmental Movement. New York: Penguin, 1995. (First paperback re-issue).
Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First and the Environmental Movement. New York: Viking, 1993.
Courses Taught
Suffolk University, Dakar campus
English101 & 102, Fall 2009
World Literature 216, Fall 2009
University of Arizona
Intermediate Nonfiction Writing 310, Spring 2008
Guest Lecturer, Advanced Fiction Writing, Spring 2008
Introduction to Fiction Writing 210, Spring 2007
Composition 101 & 102, 2005-06; Honors Composition 103, Fall 2007
Narrative Nonfiction Writing, Writing Works Program, Spring, 1999
Intermediate Journalism, Fall 1992
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Sense and Sensibility in Nonfiction (Craft class)
Wesleyan Writers Conference, Summer 2007
International Center for Journalists, Washington, D.C.
Environmental Journalism Workshops in Madagascar, April-July 2001
Books widely reviewed and adopted as texts by major universities. Essays, columns, and articles published in national magazines, major newspapers, and websites, including Salon, Vogue, Orion, Sierra, Field & Stream, OnEarth, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Truthdig, and frequently, The Los Angeles Times.
Creative Nonfiction, Pittsburgh, PA 2010 - present
One-on-one instruction and manuscript review through Creative Nonfiction magazine.
Writer 2011 - 2013
Office of the President, The University of California
Wrote articles on research at the University of California for university's website.
Writer and Editor 2010
The SECURE Project, Lamu, Kenya
Part of a cross-cultural team, multi-disciplinary team producing a series of reports for US AID-funded land reform project in Kenya.
Visiting Assistant Professor 2009
Suffolk University Dakar Campus, Dakar, Senegal
Taught writing and literature to a pan-African student population at the international campus of this U.S. university. Used a variety of pedagogical approaches to engage students from diverse educational backgrounds. Assignments included writing personal essays and rhetorical analysis of visual media.
Contributing Writer 2002-2007
LA Weekly, Los Angeles, CA
Covered environmental issues, with occasional forays into arts and book reviews.
Senator John Heinz Fellow in Environmental Reporting 2001
International Center for Journalists, Washington, DC
Three-month assignment. Organized and ran journalism training workshops, including field trips in national parks, for environmental reporters in Madagascar.
Syndicated Columnist 2000-2001
Wick Communications, Tucson, AZ
Weekly column for the Tucson Weekly syndicated to 40 daily newspapers. Regular contributor to Writers on the Range, the syndicated news service run by High Country News.
Content Strategist for Non-Profits 1997-1999
Tech Rocks, a Rockefeller Brothers Foundation project
Content strategy for environmental non-profits and digital startups.
National Political Columnist 1995-1998
Sports Afield, New York, NY
Covered national environmental politics for a 500,000-circulation, National Magazine Award-winning outdoor publication. Hired by Terry McDonell (former editor, Esquire, editor-in-chief Sports Illustrated) to improve the quality of the magazine’s environmental coverage.
Advocacy Writing and Editing 1988-1991
Wrote and edited newsletters, annual reports, brochures and speeches on conservation topics for government agencies and non-government organizations including Sierra Club, International Rivers Network, The Oceanic Society, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Reporter 1987
Center for Investigative Reporting, San Francisco, CA
Investigative stories for newspapers and television.
Reporter 1983-1984
The New London Day, New London, CT
Issue-oriented news features for Sunday Perspective section of this family-owned New England daily newspaper.
Books widely reviewed and adopted as texts by major universities. Essays, columns, and articles published in national magazines, major newspapers, and websites, including Salon, Vogue, Orion, Sierra, Field & Stream, OnEarth, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Truthdig, and frequently, The Los Angeles Times.
Creative Nonfiction, Pittsburgh, PA 2010 - present
One-on-one instruction and manuscript review through Creative Nonfiction magazine.
Writer 2011 - 2013
Office of the President, The University of California
Wrote articles on research at the University of California.
Writer and Editor 2010
The SECURE Project, Lamu, Kenya
Part of a cross-cultural team, multi-disciplinary team producing a series of reports for US AID-funded land reform project in Kenya.
Visiting Assistant Professor 2009
Suffolk University Dakar Campus, Dakar, Senegal
Taught writing and literature to a pan-African student population at the international campus of this U.S. university. Used a variety of pedagogical approaches to engage students from diverse educational backgrounds. Assignments included writing personal essays and rhetorical analysis of visual media.
Contributing Writer 2002-2007
LA Weekly, Los Angeles, CA
Covered environmental issues, with occasional forays into arts and book reviews.
Senator John Heinz Fellow in Environmental Reporting 2001
International Center for Journalists, Washington, DC
Three-month assignment. Organized and ran journalism training workshops, including field trips in national parks, for environmental reporters in Madagascar.
Syndicated Columnist 2000-2001
Wick Communications, Tucson, AZ
Weekly column for the Tucson Weekly syndicated to 40 daily newspapers. Regular contributor to Writers on the Range, the syndicated news service run by High Country News.
Content Strategist for Non-Profits 1997-1999
Tech Rocks, a Rockefeller Brothers Foundation project
Content strategy for environmental non-profits and digital startups.
National Political Columnist 1995-1998
Sports Afield, New York, NY
Covered national environmental politics for a 500,000-circulation, National Magazine Award-winning outdoor publication. Hired by Terry McDonell (former editor, Esquire, editor-in-chief Sports Illustrated) to improve the quality of the magazine’s environmental coverage.
Advocacy Writing and Editing 1988-1991
Wrote and edited newsletters, annual reports, brochures and speeches on conservation topics for government agencies and non-government organizations including Sierra Club, International Rivers Network, The Oceanic Society, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Reporter 1987
Center for Investigative Reporting, San Francisco, CA
Investigative stories for newspapers and television.
Reporter 1983-1984
The New London Day, New London, CT
Issue-oriented news features for Sunday Perspective section of this family-owned New England daily newspaper.
Police Reporter 1980-1981
Ocean County Times-Observer, Toms River, NJ
Spot news and Sunday features for daily newspaper in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.
Participating Artist
Creative Capital Foundation Workshop, Tucson AZ (2008)
Nonfiction Teaching Fellow,
Wesleyan Summer Writers Workshop, Middletown, CT (2008)
Fiction Fellow
Summer Literary Seminars in Kenya (2006)
Arizona Commission on the Arts Artist Travel Award for Kenya (2006)
Arizona Commission on the Arts Artist Project Award for Nonfiction $5000 (2005)
Arizona Commission on the Arts Travel Award for Sierra Leone (fiction) (2005)
Tucson-Pima Arts Council Arts Travel Award for Sierra Leone (fiction) (2005)
Full scholarship, Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, FL (fiction and nonfiction) (2004)
Writer’s Residency Award, Ucross Foundation, Clearmont, WY
(nonfiction) (2003)
Writer’s Residency Award, Caldera, Sisters, OR (nonfiction) (2003)
Arizona Newspaper Association. Won both first and second place awards for best columns/best analysis/commentary non-dailies with circulation over 10,000. (2001)
Senator John Heinz Fellow in International Environmental Reporting (Madagascar), International Center for Journalists, Washington, D.C. (2001)
Tucson-Pima Arts Council Project Award for Nonfiction $5000 (2001)
Writer’s Residency Award, Blue Mountain Center, Blue Mountain, NY (nonfiction) (1991)
Public Speaking
Writing the Environment
Southwest Festival of the Written Word, Silver City, NM (2015)
Panel organizer and moderator
The Importance of Not Being So Earnest: Bringing Environmental Writing into the Mainstream
Nonfiction Now conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (2005)
Plenary Panelist
In Cities Lies the Preservation of Nature Writing: A Writers Roundtable
Plenary Panel, Western Literature Association Annual Meeting
Los Angeles, CA (2005)
Environmental Journalism
27th Annual Convention, Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
San Antonio, Texas (2004)
Edward Abbey Celebration
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1999)
Roundtable participant with heads of federal land management agencies and CEOs of national environmental organizations The Future of American Conservation
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, New York, NY (1999)
Writers on Writing: Focus on Edward Abbey and Environmental Radicalism
Annual Conference, Society of Environmental Journalists
Tucson, AZ (1996)
Keynote Speaker
Annual Meeting, Oregon Natural Desert Association
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, OR (1997)
25th Anniversary Celebration
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, Eilat, Israel (1995)
Whittier College, Whittier, CA
Environmental Writing in the Globalized World, 2017
Yavapai Community College, Prescott, AZ
Guest Lecturer in Environmental Writing, 1992
Radio interviews, essays, and commentary for the book In Katrina’s Wake: Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster. (2005-2006)
Radio, television, and bookstore appearances for Naked: Writers Uncover the Way We Live on Earth. (2004)
Bookstore appearances for the anthology Living in the Runaway West. (2000)
Radio commentary and interviews for High Country News article “The Hunters and the Hunted: The Arizona-Mexico border turns into the 21st century frontier.” (2000)
Radio, television, and bookstore appearances for Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement. Tour included Berkeley, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. (1993)
Periodical Publications
"Feinstein Speaks: Trump May Be Out, and Why Democrats Need to Watch Spartacus." Medium, 18 March 2017. https://medium.com/@SusanZakin/why-democrats-need-to-watch-spartacus-33887cb046c6
Welcome to the Failed State of America. Medium, 24 February 2017.
How Sick Twelve-Year-Olds Helped Me Find a Cure for Trump. Medium, 18 February 2017.
How Do You Solve a Problem Named Milo? Medium, 11 February 2017.
"Susan Zakin Does Not Regret...Only She Does (Kinda)." Medium, 20 January 2017.
“Zero Dark Thirty’ Kathryn Bigelow Shows Us The Things We Carried.” Truthdig, 11 January 2013. http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/zero_dark_thirty_kathryn_bigelow_shows_us_the_things_we_carried_20130111/
“The Season of Our Disillusionment.” Truthdig, 24 December 2012. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_season_of_our_disillusionment_20121224
“Suleiman’s Travels.” Truthdig 26 Sept. 2011. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/suleimans_travels_20110927/
“Men in the Dunes.” (Personal essay on Nature vs. the nature of the relationship between men and women.) Ecotone 2.2 (Spring 2007): 1-8. (Print only)
“The Ground You Fall Through: Environmental and social neglect left New Orleans on dangerous footing.” (Essay on Hurricane Katrina.) LA Weekly 9 Sept. 2005.
“Nature as defined by the bayou.” (Essay on Hurricane Katrina.) The Los Angeles Times 6 Sept. 2005.
“Mosquitos don’t discriminate.” (Op-Ed on personal experiences with malaria.) The Los Angeles Times 12 June 2005.
“A cold night and then things got frosty.” (Essay on friendship and rafting the Colorado River.) The Los Angeles Times 15 Feb. 2005.
“Postcard from the Redneck Riviera.” (Essay on hurricane season in Florida.) OnEarth Magazine Winter 2005.
“The Ecology of Fire: Why the empire wanted to burn so badly.” (Essay on Southern California wildfires.) LA Weekly 7 Nov. 2003.
“Darwin in Soho.” (Personal essay on extinction and shopping.) Mountain Gazette 81 (Mar. 2002): 30-31. (Print only)
“Help the land of the lemurs move forward.” (Op-Ed on regime change in Madagascar.) Christian Science Monitor 22 Feb. 2002.
“Goodbye to All That. Again.” (Personal essay on nostalgia, idealism, and the environmental movement.) Orion Magazine, 18 (Winter 1999): 88.
“The Failed State Chick on Boko Haram.” Truthdig, 24 May 2014. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_failed_state_chick_on_boko_haram_20140524
“Collapse of the Eighth Continent: Shangri-La Meets Global Capitalism.” Truthdig, 19 Dec. 2013. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/collapse_of_the_eighth_continent_20131220
“The French Method: How Africa’s Old Colonial Nemesis Fights Terrorism in the Sahara.” Truthdig, 23 Oct. 2013. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_french_method_how_africas_old_colonial_nemesis_fights_terrorism_in_the_
“The B Word: Republicans Fan the Flames of Ageism.” Truthdig, 9 July 2013. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_b_word_republicans_fan_the_flames_of_ageism_20130709
“Real American Boy: How Our Byzantine Immigration System and Failed Economy May Have Made a Terrorist.” Truthdig, 20 May 2013. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/real_american_boy_how_our_byzantine_immigration_system_and_failed_economy_m
“Reports of Publishing’s Death Are Exaggerated.” Truthdig, 7 December 2012. http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/reports_of_publishings_death_are_exaggerated_20121207/
“The Day I Stopped Being an Environmental Writer.” 15 Oct. 2012. Bill and Dave’s Cocktail Hour. http://billanddavescocktailhour.com/the-day-i-stopped-being-an-environmental-writer-by-susan-zakin/
“Blue Man Coup: How Ghadafi’s Mercenaries Broke Mali.” Truthdig, 16 May 2012. First part of two-part series on Touareg uprising and military coup in Mali. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/blue_man_coup_how_gadhafis_mercenaries_broke_mali_20120516/
“Blue Man Coup, Part II: War for God, Country, and Cocaine.” Truthdig, 16 May 2012. Second part of two-part series on Touareg uprising and military coup in Mali. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/blue_man_coup_part_2_war_for_god_country_and_cocaine_20120517/
“Why Madagascar Matters.” The Huffington Post 24 Nov. 2010.
“America’s dance with a devil.” (Op-Ed on the need to bring Liberia’s former president to trial for war crimes.) The Los Angeles Times 27 Nov. 2005.
“Elephant Man.” (profile of Kenyan conservationist Richard Leakey) Sierra Jan.-Feb. 2010.
“Kenya’s Constitutional Crisis: While press fixates on tribal conflict, Kenyans fight for their democracy.” LA Weekly 13 Jan. 2008.
“The Caged Lion: Environmentalist Rod Coronado returns to prison a decade after his radical heyday.” LA Weekly 8 Aug. 2006.
“Out of Africa.” (Arts) LA Weekly 12 July 2006.
“The Flight of the Condor: Can the giant birds survive Tejon Ranch development?” LA Weekly 18 Feb. 2005.
“The Invasion of the Elegant Trogons: Is the Sierra Club’s anti-immigration insurgency for the birds?” LA Weekly 2 Apr. 2004.
“The Burning Men: Forest fires rage in the West while politicians try to turn prevention into pork.” LA Weekly 4 Aug. 2003. (Reprinted on the Op-Ed page of the Tucson Citizen).
“Port in a Storm: Dealing with the polluting ways of world trade.” LA Weekly 24 Mar. 2003.
“The Gods of Small Things: The Center for Biological Diversity cares as much about the un armored three-spine stickleback as it does a cathedral forest of trees, which is why it is
reinventing the environmental movement and could be saving Southern California in the process.” LA Weekly 21 Nov. 2002.
“Paradise Lost – Again: The Bush Plan for the Environment.” LA Weekly 13 Nov. 2002.
“Delta blues: California struggles to get a massive restoration effort off the ground.” High Country News 30 Sept. 2002. (Print only)
“Riding the Line.” High Country News 9 Aug. 2002.
“Saving San Bruno Mountain: Butterflies and Bulldozers on an Island in Time.” Bay Nature Magazine Apr-May 2002.
“Kings of the Wild Frontier? Can 21st-Century Problems be Solved with a 19th-Century Game Plan?” Field and Stream Jan. 2001.
“Riders from Hell.” OnEarth Spring 2001.
“The Hunters and the Hunted: The Arizona-Mexico border turns into the 21st century fron tier.” High Country News 9 Oct. 2000. (Available online under “Border Lures the Young”)
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Sixth Extinction” (Part 2). Field & Stream Apr. 2000.
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Sixth Extinction” (Part 1). Field & Stream Mar. 2000.
“Illegal or Politics As Usual?” Salon 6 Jan. 2000.
"Nonpoint Pollution: The Quiet Killer." Field & Stream Aug. 1999: 84-88.
“Is Tiger Woods’ Father a Racist?” Salon 17 June 1999.
“The War Against Sprawl, Parts I and II.” Salon 21 Jan. 1999.
“Dismantling Progress: Conservation and the 104th Congress.” Trout Winter 1999. (Print only)
“Shake-Up: Greens Inside the Beltway.” High Country News 11 Nov. 1996: 14.
“New Mexico: Conflict in Catron County.” Wilderness Winter 1995.
“Rare Bird in a Rare Land: Stalking the elusive Trogon elegans in Arizona’s spectacular Chiricahua Mountains.” The New York Times 12 Dec. 1993: sec. 5: 1, 18.
“Earth First! Everything changed the summer when the FBI arrested the environmental movement’s most charismatic leader.” Smart 5 (Sept-Oct 1989). (Print only)
“Reading the Smoke Signals.” Parenting Sept. 1989.
“Cyber-Punk: Performance Art on the Edge.” Vogue Dec. 1987.
“The Ominous Color of Toxic Dumping.” Sierra July/Aug 1987.
Tucson Weekly/Wick Communications
“Separate Suburbs.” Tucson Weekly 8 Sept. 2001.
“Gangsta Girl.” Tucson Weekly 2 Aug. 2001.
“The Burning River.” Tucson Weekly 19 July 2001.
“Double Vision.” Tucson Weekly 19 July 2001.
“Funk Factor.” Tucson Weekly 12 July 2001.
“The Wild Bunch.” Tucson Weekly 21 June 2001.
“Avoidance 101.” Tucson Weekly 14 June 2001.
“It’s Habitat, Stupid!” Tucson Weekly 7 June 2001.
“Politics of Extinction.” Tucson Weekly 31 May 2001
“Days of the Alpha Wolf.” Tucson Weekly 24 May 2001.
“Tit for Tat.” Tucson Weekly 17 May 2001.
“The Next Holocaust.” Tucson Weekly 10 May 2001.
“Historic Mistake.” Tucson Weekly 15 Mar. 2001.**
“Free Amy!” Tucson Weekly 22 Feb. 2001.
“Market Forces.” Tucson Weekly 15 Feb. 2001.**
“Yuppie Revolt.” Tucson Weekly 23 Aug. 2001.
“Hawker’s Thanksgiving.” Tucson Weekly 23 Nov. 2000.
** Prize-winning columns
Writers on the Range Syndicate
“Roadless Policy battle appears to be elaborate charade.” The Idaho Statesman 5 May 2001. (Print only)
“Where Are Those Darn Militias When You Need Them?” Colorado Central Magazine 73: (Mar. 2000): 2.
“Gore could have ridden West to victory.” Ouray County Plaindealer 30 Nov. 2000. (Print only)
“Wolves Deserve the West’s Protection” Idaho Statesman 21 July 2000. (Print only)
“I Saw the Best Wolves of My Generation Destroyed by Madness.” Grist 20 July 2000.
“Grazing Saddles West with a Heck of a Problem. “ Grist 26 Aug. 1999.
“Will the Military Protect the West’s Last, Best Place?” Grist 7 May 1999. (Reprinted in The Arizona Daily Star)
Sports Afield
“Terms of Endangerment.” Sports Afield June-July 1998
“The Forest Service Under Fire.” Sports Afield May 1998
“To Save the Salmon Save the River.” Sports Afield Apr. 1998
“Birds v. Jets (in the Florida Everglades).” Sports Afield Mar. 1998
“Who Can Save the Wild West?” Sports Afield Feb. 1998
“No Clear-Cut Answers in the Maine Woods.” Sports Afield Nov. 1997
“The Environmental President?” Sports Afield Winter 1997-98.
“Fenced Out: A Battle Rages Over The Right to Hunt.” Sports Afield Sept. 1997.
“The Steelhead Plan: Less Politics More Science.” Sports Afield June-July 1997.
“Small-Town Spin: 100 Ways to Get a Hunter’s Vote.” Sports Afield Nov. 1996.
“Election Forecast.” Sports Afield Oct. 1996.
“The Endangered Newts.” Sports Afield Sept. 1996.
“Funny Hats & Strange Bedfellows.” Sports Afield Aug. 1996.
“DC Update: Are Legislators Working?” Sports Afield July 1996.
“Breaking the Bear Poachers.” Sports Afield May 1996.
“Beyond National Parks.” Sports Afield Mar. 1996
“Back to the Pleistocene.” Sports Afield Feb. 1996
“Everybody’s Backyard.” Sports Afield Winter 1995-96.
“A Home on the Range.” Sports Afield Nov. 1995
“Timber Wars.” Sports Afield July 1995.
“Endangered Species Act.” Sports Afield May 1995.
“The Misguided War Over Refuges” Sports Afield Mar. 1995
Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape, by Barry Lopez, editor. The Los Angeles Times Book Review 8 Oct. 2006.
Journey Without Maps, The Lawless Roads, by Graham Greene. LA Weekly 19 July 2006.
“Dead Men Walking: Border crossings gone very, very wrong.” Rev. of The Devil’s Highway by Luis Urrea. LA Weekly 3 June 2004.
Good News for a Change: Hope for a Troubled Planet, by David Suzuki and Holly Dressel. OnEarth Magazine Summer 2002.
All Our Relations: Native Struggle for Land and Life, by Winona LaDuke. New Mexico Historical Review 77.1 (Winter 2002): 100-101. (Print only)
“Tierra Incognita.” Naked: Writers Uncover the Way We Live on Earth. Ed. Susan Zakin. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003. ix-xv, 69-87.
“Rebel Yell in a Mall”, “Grazing: The Hard Facts”, and “How the Farm Bureau Lost its Overalls”. Living in the Runaway West: Partisan Views from Writers on the Range. Ed. High Country News. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishers, 2000. 27-28, 96-98, 121-123.
Editor/Coach, Lamu Marine Conservation Trust, Lamu, Kenya. Worked with local staff of this conservation group to build outreach and marketing capacity. Assisted outreach coordinator in developing new brochure and web content. (2008)
Judge, “Eyes Wide Open” Essay Contest for high school students, American Friends Service Committee, Tucson, Arizona. Students wrote essays from the point of view of a fly on the wall in wartime Iraq. (2005)
Board member, 110 Degrees, a magazine produced by at-risk youth in Tucson, AZ. (1999)
Shop Steward, National Writers Union. Co-founded the Tucson sub-local of the National Writers Union. Conceived Crossing Genres theme for writer’s conference in San Francisco, CA. Speakers included Paul Krassner and Merle Kessler (a.k.a. Ian Sholes, “Ask Dr. Science!”)
Phone Bank Volunteer, Sierra Club, San Francisco, CA. Volunteered in the effort to pass the California Desert Protection Act. (1987)
Elizabeth Evans, Professor and Novelist (thesis advisor, retired)
David Gessner, Associate Professor
Department of Creative Writing
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403
910.962.7489 (office)
910.512.7046 (cell)Aurelie Sheehan, Associate Professor
Creative Writing Program
Department of English
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0067_____________________________________________________________________________________
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